
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chemical Insecticides Are Not The Answer

With a Moth Infestation many people will affirm that the answer is to disinfect every corner of your home and sanitize every inch of your kitchen.  

Others will hand you their exterminator’s business card and urge you to make the call immediately.  The exterminator was helpful to your friends or colleagues and they got rid of their moths with great speed never to return again.  PERFECT!  Problem solved right?  

Well, not exactly. Yes, the exterminator will come right away, but they’ll be bringing a slew of harsh chemicals that you know nothing about along with them and in turn you WILL be putting your health at great risk.

If you have children it's worse as well!

So, avoid the exterminators YES.  But that's not all you need to avoid.  Over the counter, store bought moth removal kits are also full of harsh chemicals.  

Even if you try the less invasive pheromone traps everyone talks about these days they have chemicals too.  The problem with these is that they will only attract a few of the moths running a muck in your home, and won’t rid the entire house of moths.  They also don't kill the larvae and eggs either.

The truth is that none of thoee methods really works.  Chemical exposure for long periods of time can cause you and your family a number of health problems.  These will definitely be much worse than having to deal with a moth invasion.  The toxins of those insecticides can provoke anything from birth defects to respiratory problems.  And while they may kill the moths for now, the problem will return a few months later. 

Please consider natural moth removal instead.  It's just as effective, if not more so and far better for everyone involved.

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