
Monday, August 6, 2012

Eliminate Clothes Moths Before Storing Clothes

Today we are going to discuss how to eliminating Moths in Clothing Before Storing Them ; Without Using Chemical Based Products

Before storing your cloth items, it is wise to eliminate any pests. Here on my blog i do describe moth problems and their solutions in homes.  Try to avoid using chemical-based detergents as these chemicals may not only harm the environment but the allergens or toxins that they may contain, too. The ingredients of them can be very  harmful to us humans but also to your beloved pets as well, if you let them wear fabrics too.  

So the longer you wait to clean and remove these substances, what are lying in your fabric the harder it will be to remove them, PLUS the health risks just related to that will also increase dramatically.

There are some effective natural ways to get rid of moths before putting items in storage.

1.                  Properly clean items with a natural base fragrance free detergent.  This will help remove mold, mildew spores or any insect eggs that may have been deposited in them. 

2.                  You can also mix together your own natural laundry detergent.  Some commonly used ingredients include baking soda, borax, castile or glycerin soap flakes and essential plant oils.  Following is a sample effective recipe:

16 cups of baking soda
12 cups of borax
8 cups of castile/glycerin soap flakes
3 tablespoons of essential oils. Popular choices include lavender, lemon and grapefruit.

3.                  Avoid using commercial fabric softeners as they may attract not only Moths in Clothing, but they may also effect your health too. An excellent alternative is vinegar.  Not only is it a wonder as a fabric softener, it will also help remove soap residue in washing machines.  Simply pour it in the laundry itself or through the softener dispenser.  If you want to add natural fragrances, consider using essential oils such as lavender, orange or peppermint. You can also use cedar or mountain pine oil what i use on a rotation basis.

4.                  If you suspect that cloth items may have been infested with eggs, put the items in a freezer bag and remove all the air.  Place the bag in the freezer for 48 hours, remove and let defrost for 24 hours and then return to the freezer to kill any remaining eggs and moth infested areas.

For a far more comprehensive list of moth removal remedies, please visit Rid Moths Naturally and
consider downloading my books.

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