
Monday, August 20, 2012

Prevent Clothes Moth and Moisture Damage to Stored Items

Prevent Clothes Moth and Moisture Damage to Stored Items

It is annoying when after you thought you had carefully stored your clothes and taken all the proper precautions, you pull them out only to find that they have been damaged by Clothes or Clothing Moths, Casemaking Clothing or Webbing Clothes Moths.

And if this wouldn't be already enough though, Moisture on Clothes can do harm to them, too.

There are measures you can take to minimize the risk or prevent finding yourself in the unenviable position of having to replace or repair damaged items.

Mothballs:  Although effective, they must be used properly. They are composed of chemical materials and should be kept out of reach of children and pets.  Since they work by emitting toxins that can pose health risks, they are not ideal.

Mothball Alternatives: Common items that work as natural moth repellants include lavender, cedar blocks or chips and mint leaves.  All are readily available either in actual product or essential oils at your local store and can easily be placed into sachets.

Moisture: Clothing or other cloth items that have been stored unintentionally with moisture can easily stain or become otherwise damaged.  If traces exist of mold or mildew spores, the presence of moisture will allow these substances to grow. You can use drying agents or desiccant packets made from a number of different materials such as silica gel, activated charcoal or clay.

However, you can make drying agents at home using Epsom salt.  It is really simple. 

Spread Epsom salt evenly over a baking pan and place in the oven at 550 degrees Fahrenheit.    The salt will dehydrate creating a hissing sound.  Once the hissing has stopped, remove the pan from the oven.  

Crush the dehydrated cake of Epsom salt into small chunks and store in an airtight container.

Place ½ to ¾ cup of salt on a small square of thin cloth and gather together the fabric to make a packet.  Tie the bag closed and either hang or place it in your closet.  Check every two to four weeks to see if the bag needs to be replaced. 

Easy and effective!

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