
Monday, August 27, 2012

Undetected Moth Infestations

This is a quick post today but a very important one as many people have a moth problem before they SEE it and they don't even know it. 

Only when the problem is clearly visible, then people are panicking and will take immediate action on their moth infestation problem…

So problems like moth infestations are able to grow undetected over time, especially when moths do not fly around, because the larvae is able to overwinter just without no problem.

Here's a quick insight as to how this can happen....

The young larvae/caterpillars are able to survive without any kind of food recourses up to 8 ½ months.…they are also able to live just on non digesting food recourses and still eating there way through to this kind of indigestible stuff for YEARS (yes you got it right, for YEARS each single larvae can survive and be alive), without developing…at cases like that, these moth larvae can change their skin up to 45 times through out their lifetime as a larvae...  

To get rid of your moths now - or to be proactive and preventative about having a moth infestation at all - please visit Rid Moths Naturally today and consider downloading our eBooks on the subject.

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